In Comestibles Ya, we're sharing a healthy, different, and delicious way to surprise your family with chicken with mushrooms and capers. Follow the step-by-step of this simple recipe.

Chicken with mushrooms and capers recipe

Serving: For 4 people


  • 220 grams of chicken breast
  • 150 grams of tomato
  • 140 grams of basil 
  • 120 grams of onion
  • 90 grams of Pascuali mushrooms
  • 40 grams of Pascuali capers
  • 30 grams of spinach 
  • Extra virgin Andaluz olive oil, 140 milliliters  
  • 200 grams of parsley


Napolitan Sauce 

In 3 cups of water, cook tomatoes, onion, and 40 grams of basil for 30 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Once the cooking is done, blend and strain the mixture to obtain a homogeneous sauce. Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.

 Green Oil

Take 140 grams of Andaluz olive oil, 200 grams of parsley, and 190 grams of basil. Blend everything and heat until it reaches boiling point. Once ready, let it cool and strain the preparation to obtain green-colored oil.  Andaluz, 200grs de perejil y 190grs de albahaca  licuamos todos y ponemos al.fuego hasta punto de ebullición, cuando este listo dejamos enfriar y colamos la preparación  para obtener  una aceite de color verde

Onion Crisps

Cut 60 grams of white onion into julienne strips, coat them with wheat flour, and fry them to achieve a breaded texture and make them crispy.


In a small pot, bring a cup of water to a boil and add the spinach. Let it sit for 1 minute, then remove—crispy.

Chicken Breast 

Condimentamos la pechuga con sal y pimienta al gusto, ponemos una sarten a fuego medio  con aceite de olivas  Andaluz  ponemos la pechuga hasta asar completa mente


En un palto hondo  ponemos dos cucharadas de salsa napolitana, con la espinaca hacemos una cama sobre la salsa napolitana, se ponen las dos porciones de pechuga y decoramos con la cebolla crispí,  alcaparras  pascuali   julianas de champiñones pascualu  y  unas gotas de aceite verde para darle color al plato.

Preparada por: Parmenio Zapata Chef